We’ve got the right package for you

To view state filing fees, select your business type and the state where you formed.


$129 + state filing fees
  • Creation of your amendment paperwork
    We’ll process your paperwork once you answer a few questions online.
  • Filing with the state
    We’ll make sure your business info is correctly updated with the state.


$239 + state filing fees
  • Creation of your amendment paperwork
    We’ll process your paperwork once you answer a few questions online.
  • Filing with the state
    We’ll make sure your business info is correctly updated with the state.
  • Expedited processing
    We’ll give your paperwork the highest priority.
  • Express shipping
    Once we receive your filed doc from the state, we’ll deliver it to you in 2-3 business days.

Pricing includes required state fees to meet delivery times and does not include post-filing requirements such as annual report fees, statement of officer’s fees, newspaper publication fees, or taxes.

We do right by you

We do right by you
We will refund our fee within the first 60 days if you’re unhappy with our services.


Ask an attorney

Get the right guidance with an attorney by your side.

Call an agent at (855) 787-1202

Mon–Fri: 5 a.m.–7 p.m. PT
Weekends: 7 a.m.–4 p.m. PT