Address in Honolulu, HI

Receive mail at a real street address in Honolulu. Virtual mail lets you keep a mailing address in Honolulu without having to pay for real estate, and you can check mail in your virtual mailbox, from anywhere.
You can use your business address in Honolulu to register a business or on your company marketing website. Honolulu business addresses can also help keep your home address private.

Get the perfect Honolulu address

Honolulu, HI

1441 Kapiolani Blvd Ste 1114


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How virtual mail works

We receive your mail

Your postal mail is sent to the selected address and securely processed.

We digitize it for you

We scan and send your mail to your inbox as high-resolution PDFs.

You access mail online

View your postal mail from anywhere, on any device, at any time.

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Man and woman setting up virtual mail with LegalZoom on laptop

Why get an address in Honolulu, HI

Honolulu is located on the Pacific islands of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. It is the capital of Hawaii and is the biggest city located on the southeast coast of the island of Oahu with around 1.4 million residents. The Aloha state, as it is often called, is known for its sandy beaches and amazing lush mountains and volcanoes. It is a hotspot for tourists from around the world to come and relax. Filled with hotels, resorts, and restaurants Honolulu is a favorite place to visit year-round. In addition to sunbathing, snorkeling, and surfing Honolulu has a healthy arts and culture scene. The Iolani Palace, Bishop Museum, and Honolulu Museum of Art are all attractions on the island. Of the amazing beaches that the island is home to, Waikiki and Leahi (Dimond Head) beaches are two of the most famous. Downtown Honolulu is where the city’s historic district sits and government and politics take place for the island. In addition to tourism, Honolulu exports several commodities such as honey, livestock, sugar cane, coffee, nuts, and pineapple. Due to the scenic location and desirable climate, Honolulu is one of the most expensive places to live in the country. Its cost of living rivals that of some major cities like New York and San Francisco. To avoid dealing with the high cost associated with doing business and living in Honolulu, Earth Class Mail can provide business owners with a PO Box or virtual mailing address. This provides businesses with a presence in one of the biggest tourist spots in the world while saving money on retail or office space.

Postal mail as convenient as email

Prestigious address

Choose a real street address or P.O. box from one of our 80+ U.S. addresses.

Mail digitization

Your mail is scanned and delivered into your inbox as a high-resolution PDF.

Full-text search

Your postal mail is digitized into fully searchable, high-resolution PDFs.

Software integrations

Integrate with cloud and accounting software providers like Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, and

Fully mobile

Use our mobile app or web browser to access your postal mail from your phone or tablet.

World-class security

Your data is protected with 256-bit encryption, and stored in our secure facilities.

Learn more about virtual mail for businesses

Can I register my business with a P.O. box address?

Can I register my business with a P.O. box address?

Whether you decide to establish your business as a sole proprietorship, a C corp, or an LLC, you'll need to decide what business address to use to register your business.

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What address should I use for my LLC?

What address should I use for my LLC?

Having a physical office space and using your home address aren't your only options.

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Does USPS deliver on Sunday?

Does USPS deliver on Sunday?

Find out when and what kind of mail the U.S. Post Office delivers on Sunday

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