Louisiana Five-Day Notice to Vacate Premises
(855) 692-0800
Louisiana Five-Day Notice to Vacate Premises

Louisiana Five-Day Notice to Vacate Premises

TO:   and , and all other occupants
, Louisiana

YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that under the lease agreement dated under which you hold possession of the premises located at , , Louisiana, , there is now due and unpaid rent in the total amount of , representing rent due as follows:

  • owed from to .
  • owed from to .
  • owed from to .

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that in accordance with our lease agreement dated   and under La. Code Civ. Proc. Ann. §4701, within FIVE (5) DAYS after delivery of this notice on you, you must leave the premises described above.

The FIVE-day notice period expires at: : a.m.p.m. on . Your compliance in this time frame will prevent any further eviction action against you.

If you fail to vacate, the laws of eviction will be enforced.

, LA
Notice was tacked to Tenant's door on:

_______________________________ at _________________________________ (a.m.)/(p.m.)

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