Notice of Dissolution of Partnership
(855) 692-0800
Notice of Dissolution of Partnership

Notice of Dissolution of Partnership

You are hereby notified that the partnership formed under the laws of between and , and , doing business under the name , with a principal business address at , , , (the "Partnership"), has been dissolved by mutual consent of its partners as of .

  • 1. All claims against the assets of the Partnership must be made in writing and must include the claim amount, basis, and origination date.
  • 2. The deadline for submitting claims is (the "Claim Deadline"). Any claims that are not received by the Claim Deadline will be barred and will not be recognized by the Partnership.
  • 3. Debtors are asked to pay all outstanding obligations to no later than days from the date of this notice.
  • 4. All claims and payments must be sent to , , , , , , .


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