Artwork Release
(855) 692-0800
Artwork Release

Artwork Release

This artwork release is made by , an individuala(n) (the "Owner"), in favor of , an individual a(n) (the "Filmmaker"). 


In consideration of the payment of $, tThe Filmmaker may photograph, reproduce, and use (the "Use") a entitled   and a photo of which is attached to this release as Exhibit A] (the "Artwork") for the purpose of making and distributing a  feature film  short film  independent film tentatively entitled  (the "Film"). The Owner grants the Filmmaker any further rights that may be required to effectuate the Use and understands that the Filmmaker will proceed in express reliance on this release.


The Filmmaker shall solely own all interest in the Film and promotional material for the Film, including all copyrights. The Owner will have no ownership or other rights, including rights of inspection or approval, in or to the Film. The Filmmaker shall have the right to distribute, exhibit, market, advertise, publicize, and otherwise exploit the Film, including any images of the Artwork, by any title, in all media, now known or unknown, in perpetuity, throughout the world (the "Exploitation"). Nothing in this release obligates the Filmmaker to (a) cause the Exploitation, (b) pay any money with respect to the Exploitation, or (c) use the Artwork in the Film in a certain manner or at all.


The Owner hereby releases the Filmmaker from any liability arising from the Use, including that based on invasion of privacy or publicity, defamation, or copyright.


The Owner hereby represents that:

  • (a) it is the sole owner of the copyright in the Artwork and has the full power, to enter into this release and to grant the Use for the Film;
  • (b) the Filmmaker's exercise of the rights under this release will not infringe any copyrights or violate any third party's rights, and no third-party permissions are required to grant the Use for the Film; and
  • (c) the rights granted under this release are not subject to any litigation or encumbered in anyway that would interfere with the Filmmaker's full enjoyment of the rights.


The Owner is signing this release on the date stated opposite its signature. 

Date: _____________________________

Social Security Number:______________________________


Include a photograph of the Artwork here

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