Demand for Payment on Demand Promissory Note
(855) 692-0800
Demand for Payment on Demand Promissory Note

Demand for Payment on Demand Promissory Note



RE: Demand for Payment on Demand Promissory Note

Dear :

This letter relates to the promissory note dated , of which you are the maker, in the original principal amount of $ (the "Note"). I amMy company is the current holder of the Note.

In accordance with the Note, Iwe hereby make demand for $, which is the full unpaid balance of the Note together with all accrued interest, to be paid by .

If Iwe do not receive your payment for $ by , Iwe will notify myour attorneys to begin legal proceedings to collect this amount. You will be responsible for all collection costs, including attorneys' fees, court costs, and interest.

If you have any questions regarding your account, please contact at .

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