Sponsorship Fee Invoice
(855) 692-0800
Sponsorship Fee Invoice

Sponsorship Fee Invoice


Attn: :


Dear :

Thank you for your commitment to sponsor . To receive your sponsorship recognition, please remit the following payment no later than :

add border
Description of Sponsorship Commitment Quantity Price per Unit Total
Total Payable:
[   ] Payment by check. Please make checks payable to: and remit payment to the above address, attn: .
[   ] Payment by credit card. Please remit the attached credit card authorization by mail to the above address, attn: .

If you have any questions about this invoice, please contact at or at .

is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation.



I hereby authorize  to charge my credit card account in the amount of for the sponsorship of .
Name on Card ______________________________________________________________________________
Card Type: (Please circle one)     [VISA]     [MasterCard]     [American Express]     [Discover]
Card Number _________________________________________Expiration Date _____________
Security Code ________
Billing Address ___________________________________________________________________
Cardholder Signature ______________________________________________________________

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