Idaho Affidavit
(855) 692-0800
Idaho Affidavit

Idaho Affidavit

to comply with I.C. §15-3-1201

1. I/We, the successor(s) to the estate of ___________ hereby declare:
2. _____________ died on ___________ , leaving a will/without a will.
3. At least 30 days have elapsed since _________'s death
4. No application or petition in for appointment of a personal representative or for summary administration
of the decedent's estate is pending or has been granted in any jurisdiction.
5. The current gross fair market value of the decedent's estate, wherever located, excluding all liens and
encumbrances thereon does not exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) and includes the
following property
6. I/We am/are the successor(s) to the decedent's interest in the described property,
7. No other person has a superior right to the interest of the decedent in the described property. The
Decedent was not a recipient of services from the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.
8. I/We request that the described property be transferred to each of us as follows:
9. I/We declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Idaho that the foregoing is true and correct.
Dated:______________________________ ______________________________

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