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LLC plans start at $0 + filing fees.
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We’re the #1 choice for online business formation
Explore business types
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Starts at $0 + state filing fees
The most flexible way to structure your business and protect personal assets.
Whether you’re going solo or teaming up, an LLC ensures you're not personally on the hook for business liabilities.
Start an LLC
LegalZoom LLC offers:
LegalZoom filing with the state
100% accurate filing guarantee‡
Name check service to get your preferred business name
Access to add-on services like compliance, bookkeeping, tax filings, and more
Tax expert and attorney advice and guidance available when you need it
Doing Business As (DBA)
Starts at $99 + state filing fees
A way to use a business name that sidesteps the upkeep of LLCs or corporations.
Get a business name for your sole prop without forming a legal entity, or add a new name to an existing entity.
Start a DBA
LegalZoom DBA offers:
DBA filing with the state or county
100% accurate filing guarantee‡
Publication of your DBA name and proof of publication (where required)
Access to add-on services like compliance, bookkeeping, tax filings, and more
Tax expert and attorney advice and guidance available when you need it
Corporation (S corp or C corp)
Starts at $149 + state filing fees
A more complex structure to issue shares, go public, or go global.
A corporation lets you issue shares, go public, or go global.
Start a Corporation
LegalZoom Corporation offers:
S corp or C corp filing with the state
100% accurate filing guarantee‡
Name check service to get your preferred business name
Access to add-on services like compliance, bookkeeping, tax filings, and more
Tax expert and attorney advice and guidance available when you need it
All business types at a glance
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Going solo or teaming up? Make sure you're not personally on the hook for business liabilities with an LLC.
Ready to get your LLC?
Starts at $0 + state filing fees
Both protect owners so they're not personally on the hook for business liabilities or debts. But, key differences include how they're owned (LLCs have one or more individual owners and corporations have shareholders) and maintained (corporations generally have more formal record-keeping and reporting requirements). Even though LLCs are considered easier to start and maintain, investors tend to prefer corporations.
The way you're taxed. C corporation income is taxed twice—the business pays taxes on its net income, and then the shareholders also pay taxes on the profits they receive. With S corporation income, only the shareholders pay taxes on profits received. The Secretary of State requires articles of incorporation to form a corporation.
Personal liability protection. An LLC protects owners from being personally on the hook for business liabilities or debts. A sole proprietorship doesn't.
LLCs, S corporations, and sole proprietorships are taxed once on profits received. C corporations are taxed twice; the business pays taxes at the corporate level, and shareholders pay taxes on income received.
LLCs and corporations. You don't get personal liability protection with sole proprietorships or DBAs.
LegalZoom made everything 10 times easier for my business. Fast, easy, and very professional.
—Luis C., LLC customer
Start an LLC
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Disclaimer: LegalZoom provides access to independent attorneys and self-service tools. LegalZoom is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice, except where authorized through its subsidiary law firm LZ Legal Services, LLC. Use of our products and services is governed by our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
#1 choice for helping to start, run, and grow small businesses: Based on a January 2023 survey of small- and midsize-business owners comparing LegalZoom to other online legal services companies.
#1 choice in online business formation: Based on a January 2023 survey of small- and midsize-business owners comparing LegalZoom to other online legal services companies.
‡100% Accurate Filing Guarantee: We're committed to the highest quality and accuracy. If we make a mistake on your order, we'll correct it at no cost to you.