Secured Promissory Note Amortized Payment - Free Template

Safeguard your financial arrangement with a secured promissory note. Define the installment payment terms of the loan clearly for the borrower and lender.
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What's a secured promissory note with amortized payment?

A promissory note is an agreement to pay back a loan. Secured means that the loan is guaranteed by security or collateral. 'Amortized payments' means the borrower will pay down the interest and principal of the loan in equal installment payments but in different proportions until the total amount is paid. This document is mainly used to give your lender confidence by outlining the terms of your loan and repayment plan.

Initially, the borrower will be repay a higher rate of interest and later a higher principal rate, although the payment amount remains the same.

Here's the information you'll need to have handy to complete your secured promissory note with amortized payment:

  • Who it's coming from: Determine if a business or individual is sending the document and have the name and contact information ready
  • Who it's going to: Know who this document is going to and have the individual or business name and contact information ready. If it's a business, know the business type (LLC, corporation, etc.)
  • Which state will govern it: Specify a state so it's clear what laws apply to the document
  • Subject matter: Be ready to define the loan terms (e.g., the loan amount, the number of installment payments, and the type of security or collateral)
  • Payments: Understand the start and end dates and the total number of payments

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