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Photography services agreement: How-to guide

From time to time, companies need photographers to help create lasting images, which can be used to sell products, tell stories, or record events. Alternatively, individuals may want to hire a photographer for personal use, hoping to provide lasting memories of special occasions.

A photography services agreement, also called a photography contract, outlines each party’s rights and responsibilities and allows them to negotiate and determine the services to be provided.

A comprehensive photography service agreement template can provide a good starting point for your contracting arrangement. To kickstart, you can use LegalZoom’s professional template for your requirements. Our template could be easily customized for your needs. Just pay a nominal fee, and edit our template as per your project.

However, before signing, the photographer and the hiring party must discuss the terms of the agreement, settling questions about working terms, payment, and other obligations.

Photography contract: Do’s and don’ts checklist

Free photography services agreement template by LegalZoom. Create and download agreements for free!

Details regarding the photography assignment

Before hiring a photographer, ensure you know what you want, including the style and image. Be clear on why the photographer is being hired for:

  • Is it for a casual company photo, a formal portrait, or a personal event? Personal events can be birthday parties, weddings, baby showers, etc. For weddings, wedding photographers are usually hired to do the job. These photographers provide exclusive wedding photography services to their clients. A more formal setup can cover business events, like conferences, seminars, product launches, etc.
  • Should the photographer take photos in black and white or in color?
  • Do they require a studio or rent some other property to do the photoshoot?
  • Will they provide follow-up editing services?
  • Who will bear the cost of equipment like tripods, lights, white screens, and other provisions?

Discuss the terms and conditions

Before making the agreement in writing, discuss the terms and conditions of the contract. It should include a detailed description of the photographer’s duties, the hiring party’s obligations and requirements, deadlines for completion, and the expected end products (e.g., slides, photographs, etc.).

Get the required permissions from a model by getting signatures on a model release form

In a photography contract, model releases should always be obtained if a model’s picture will be used for trade or advertising purposes. A model release form gives permission from a model to use their pictures for commercial purposes.

You still need a model release if you are using employees as models.

Give ample time for reviews

The photographer and the client party should review the agreement once drafted. Clarify doubts and ensure all agreed-upon terms are included in the final document.

The parties must also sign two copies of the agreement, where one copy will be handed over to the photographer and the hiring party will keep the other.

Depending on the nature of its terms, you may decide to have your agreement witnessed or notarized.

If you feel your arrangement is complicated, hire an attorney to help you draft a document that meets your needs.

Key elements of a photography services contract

The following instructions will help you understand the terms of your photography contract.


This section identifies the document as a photography services agreement. Provide the date on which the agreement will become effective (often the date on which it is signed).

You must also provide the details of the involved parties and, if applicable, the type of organization(s) they are. In a photography services contract, the company or client hiring the skilled photographer is called the “hiring party,” and the party taking the pictures is called the “photographer.”


The “whereas” clauses, referred to as recitals, define the world of the agreement and offer key background information about the parties. Generally, the recitals in a photography services agreement include a simple statement of your intent to enter into a photography services arrangement.

Description and payment terms

In this section, include the details of the photo shoot, such as what kind of photos are required, the location of the shoot, whether a second photographer is needed to complete the assignment, etc.

You must also add the compensation details like the amount to be paid and how and when it will be paid.


It lists each party’s responsibilities under the agreement. Essentially, the photographer agrees to take the pictures and perform the agreed-on services with adequate attention and care. The hiring party also agrees to help with this performance by providing the necessary information and guidance.

Additional services

If the photos taken don’t fit the agreed-on standards, the hiring party can request new, more appropriate pictures. The parties will then jointly set a new due date. Suppose the hiring party is asking for new pictures based on another reason (e.g., a change of idea about what the pictures will be used for or a desire for a new campaign). In that case, the hiring party will be required to pay for the additional shots at the agreed-upon rates. 


It indicates that the photography contract will last until termination or until the listed services are completed. It allows the parties to set a deadline by which all services must be finished.

Results and proceeds

It grants the hiring party ownership of all of the photos created by the photographer under the photography contract. This includes the right to alter the pictures and use them for commercial purposes. The photographer expressly waives all of these rights under this section.


This section permits the hiring party to control how the photographs will be used and how the photographer can use them. Essentially, the only thing the photographer can do without the hiring party’s permission is to use examples of the photographs as part of their portfolio.

Use of photographer’s name

It allows the hiring party to use the photographer’s name in connection with the pictures during the agreement's term.

No obligation to use

This clause states that although the hiring party has the right to use the photographer’s pictures, it doesn’t have to. If the hiring party doesn’t want to use a photographer’s work, they can freely do so. They aren’t answerable to the photographer for not using the photos.

Photographer’s representations and warranties

This section outlines the photographer’s promises under the photography service agreement. Essentially, the photographer agrees to enter into the arrangement based on the conditions listed in this section.

Company’s rights

It allows the hiring party to use the photographs in any way it pleases and specifically waives any other party’s right to demand payment for that use. 

Third parties; taxes

According to this clause, the photographer can’t bind the hiring party into any agreements with any third parties. This section also reaffirms that the photographer is an independent contractor (i.e., not an employee) and is, therefore, responsible for paying its own taxes.


This clause explains that certain actions or events, including written notice or material breach, will cause the photography services contract to end out of time (i.e., before the services are completed or the end of the term, if any). You must provide the notice period a party should give if they intend to terminate or notify the other of a breach.

Default by photographer

This section explains the consequences if the photographer’s duties aren’t met. In other words, if the photographer fails to produce adequate pictures, they must allow the hiring party to declare a default and terminate the photography services contract or set a new delivery date for pictures.


It allocates responsibilities between the parties if problems arise in the future and protects the company from the financial consequences of the photographer’s negligent or intentional conduct.

Entire agreement

Here, the parties agree that the document they’re signing is “the agreement” about the agreed-upon terms and conditions.


This explains that the hiring party may assign their obligations and interests without obtaining the photographer’s permission. However, the photographer is not entitled to assign their own interests under the agreement.


This clause indicates that any changes to the document are only effective if prior written consent is taken from the photographer and the hiring party.


This part lists the addresses to which all official or legal correspondence should be delivered. Provide the mailing address for both the hiring party and the photographer.

Governing law

It allows the parties to choose the state laws that will be used to interpret the document.


This clause protects the terms of the agreement as a whole, even if one part is later invalidated. For example, if a state law is passed prohibiting choice-of-law clauses, it will not undo the entire agreement. Instead, only the section dealing with the choice of law would be invalidated, leaving the remainder of the agreement enforceable.

Counterparts; electronic signatures

This provision allows both the photographer and client to sign the photography agreement using electronic devices or signatures. This is really helpful for a skilled photographer who provides photography services to clients based in different geographies.


This section indicates that the headings at the beginning of each section are meant to organize the document and should not be considered operational parts of the agreement.

Frequently asked questions

What’s a photography services agreement?

Photographers perform a vital service for their customers by capturing the moments that will become permanent memories of a special event. In the same way, creating a photography services agreement is essential to document both the photographer’s duties and client expectations.

What essential details are required to fill out a photography contract?

Here's the information you'll need to have handy to complete your photography contract:

  • Who it's coming from: Determine if a business or individual is sending the document and have the name and contact information ready
  • Who it's going to: Know who this document is going to and have the individual or business name and contact information ready. If it's a business, make sure you know the business type (LLC, corporation, etc.)
  • Which state will govern it: Specify the state so it's clear what state laws apply to the document
  • Format: Know whether physical prints, digital files, or both will be provided
  • Dates, time, and frequency: Be clear about whether this agreement will be for a single event or a series and the duration

Free Photography Services Agreement Template

Manage various photography projects with ease with a photography services agreement. Set clear service terms and guidelines between a photographer and a client.
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