Sign documents online quickly and securely

LegalZoom's eSignature service helps you sign and manage documents online from anywhere. Save time and enhance productivity. Plus, easily access other LegalZoom solutions in one place, including trusted attorneys and legal forms.

A business owner signs electronic documents using LZ's electronic signature solution and explains the benefits of electronic signatures over wet signatures to an employee.

Why use LegalZoom’s eSignature service?

Make it easy

Request signatures in just a few clicks. Get your documents signed online with our simple drag-and-drop editor.

Save time

You can sign and manage on the go. Access your signed documents online from anywhere, on any device.

Manage in one place

Sign, organize, and store all your documents online in one secure place.

Maximize your budget

Get your documents electronically signed at an affordable cost that fits your budget.

Sign your documents online in 3 easy steps

An app screenshot that displays the first step to sign documents online - find the particular document in your device and upload it (pdf format only).

1. Prepare

Upload your document or create a new one using our legal form templates.

An app screenshot of LegalZoom’s secure electronic signature service that displays the second step of signing documents via electronic process - add the signer’s identity, name, and verified email address.

2. Assign

Add yourself and invite others to sign. Include as many signers as you need.

An app screenshot of LegalZoom's secure electronic signature software. It displays how to easily create an online signature from a desktop or mobile device. E-signatures allow you to sign documents from anywhere.

3. Sign

Securely sign or collect electronic signatures on your document online.

A solopreneur searches for electronic signature solutions that comply with the E-SIGN Act federal law and provide all the features she needs to sign legal documents like loan documents and sales contracts.

eSignature features

Create documents faster

Upload your own document or quickly draft a new document with our attorney-drafted legal form templates.

Add multiple signers

Add signers to your document with easy drag-and-drop actions. Request signatures from multiple signers on your document. Save time on coordination and logistics.

Personalize your signature

Whether you prefer a typed or handwritten signature, we've got you covered. Type, draw, or upload to create your signature.

Track document status

Access real-time updates throughout the signing process, including pending and completed signatures.

Manage all on one platform

Easily use eSignature with our suite of legal, tax, and accounting services to sign and manage your documents in one place.

Sign with confidence

LegalZoom’s eSignature service offers secure and compliant electronic signatures.
Legally binding signatures

LegalZoom's eSignature service has been designed to comply with U.S. electronic records and signature laws. It is intended to produce documents with legally binding electronic signatures.

Secure delivery services

Enjoy peace of mind knowing your documents are secure and protected with encryption to prevent unauthorized access.

Complete audit trail

Get a complete audit trail to verify the signed document’s integrity. It logs essential information, including the signer’s identity, IP addresses, and actions taken with date and time stamps.

A woman signs documents using the service of an electronic signature provider that allows her to create electronic signatures like her handwritten signatures.

What is an electronic signature?

An electronic signature, also known as an e-signature, is a legally recognized way of signing documents online. Unlike a traditional handwritten signature, an electronic signature replaces physical paper signing with a completely digital process. Electronic signatures allow users to sign documents anywhere and anytime, giving users greater flexibility and convenience.

Why use electronic signatures?

Legally binding

Electronic signatures are a legally valid method for executing most contracts and agreements, making them a secure and reliable option for businesses.


Streamline the document signing process, eliminating the need for manual steps and reducing the time and effort required for signing.


Eliminate the need for physical paperwork and allow for remote signing, whether you're at home, in the office, or traveling.


Access a detailed audit log, bringing more accountability and transparency to the signing process.


Store signed documents securely online, making finding and organizing files much simpler. Reduce the need for physical storage.

Cost savings

Minimize the cost associated with paper and document processing, saving money on ink, cartridges, printing, and mailing supplies.
An attorney explains federal regulations, UETA and E-SIGN Act, to a client and shows a list of legal documents where electronic signatures are not applicable and require traditional signatures to be valid.

What kinds of documents should not be signed electronically?

While electronic signatures are valid for most types of business and personal transactions, U.S. laws do have exceptions. The federal ESIGN Act restricts the use of electronic signatures for the following categories of documents:

  • Wills, testamentary trusts, and codicils (including estate planning documents obtained through LegalZoom)
  • Adoption, divorce, and other family law papers (including such documents obtained through LegalZoom)
  • Contracts governed by the Uniform Commercial Code (e.g., negotiable instruments, letters of credit, investment securities, secured transactions) other than sections 1–107 and 1–206 and Articles 2 and 2A
  • Court orders, notices, or official court documents (including briefs, pleadings, and other writings) required to be executed in connection with court proceedings
  • Notice of the cancellation or termination of utility services (including water, heat, and power)
  • Notice of default, acceleration, repossession, foreclosure, or eviction, or the right to cure, under a credit agreement secured by, or a rental agreement for, a primary residence of an individual
  • Notice of the cancellation or termination of health insurance or benefits or life insurance benefits (excluding annuities)
  • Product recalls or notices of material failures that risk endangering health or safety
  • Documentation accompanying the transport of hazardous materials

Note that state electronic signature laws may contain additional exceptions to those listed above. If you have any questions regarding whether a document may be validly signed using eSignature in your jurisdiction, please seek advice from an attorney.

Frequently asked questions

What our customers are saying

Simple to use. Extremely user friendly! I would recommend LegalZoom to anyone looking to start a business.
Kimberly W., LegalZoom customer
LegalZoom was quick, accurate, and attentive to detail and needs. They make sure to emphasize quality results and customer care.
Gabriel W., LegalZoom customer
Smooth, simple, and straightforward. Got me everything I needed to hit the floor running.
Abigail W., LegalZoom customer


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