Urgent: Federal fees are increasing. Buy now & file by 1/17/25 to save $100+
Register a trademark with America’s #1 filer!
Let one of our experienced trademark attorneys take care of everything so you don’t have to—including performing a trademark search, providing legal advice, and preparing and filing your application. $649 + federal fees §
Why use LegalZoom to register your trademark?
Experience you can trust
Our law firm is America's #1 trademark filer so you can rest assured you'll be supported at every step.*
Save time and money
Complete the trademark filing process in 3 easy steps for almost 75% less than the cost of using a traditional law firm.**
File with confidence
We've successfully registered over 3x as many trademarks as leading competitors and we have the highest application approval rate.#
We've successfully registered over 3x as many trademarks as leading competitors and we have the highest application approval rate.†
Increase likelihood of approval
50% or more of trademark applications filed by cheaper online competitors are rejected after a 14 month wait.‡
Protect your brand with a comprehensive, affordable, and easy way to register a trademark.
Premium Trademark registration
+ federal fees §
Trademark class is selected by your attorney based on your specific application
Post-filing alerts if the USPTO needs any more info
Waived application fee for a second trademark registration if your first application is rejected †
Start my trademark
Tell us about your trademark
We'll research it & report back
We'll complete & file your paperwork
Once the attorney confirms with you that everything is ready to go, they’ll e-file with the USPTO.
What is a trademark?
What does a trademark mean?
A trademark means that a business name, brand name, tagline, logo, symbol, or design is registered with the USPTO, and that its use by others is restricted. Registering a trademark is a legal process of providing protection against competitors who want to copy your branding.
Ready to register your trademark?
While copyrights and registered trademarks both help protect your intellectual property, they are used for different things.
Copyrights protect creative works
Copyrights cover creative works such as stories, poems, song lyrics, movies, and even software code.
Copyright is automatic
As soon as you create a piece of art or pen the lyrics of a song, you establish ownership. There is a legal process that you can—and should—use to gain better legal protection.
Copyrights expire
A person's copyright lasts for the length of their life plus 70 years. There are different rules for pieces that are created anonymously or under a pseudonym.
Trademarks protect brands
Trademarks are used to protect brand names, business names, product names, logos, and slogans. They ensure that a brand can use its assets to build recognition and differentiate itself.
Trademarks need to be registered
While you gain some protection as soon as you start using your brand name and logo, you need to register a trademark with the USPTO to really protect your brand.
Trademarks can be renewed
As long as you renew your trademark—after the first five years, then every 10—it will not expire.
How to trademark a phrase
Using a distinctive phrase connected with your business—such as a slogan, motto, or tagline—can help improve your brand recognition. To prevent other companies from using your phrase, you can register a trademark for it—starting with a comprehensive search. However, not every phrase can be trademarked, not everyone can trademark a phrase, and registration does not provide complete protection. A trademark attorney can advise you on the best next steps for registering a trademark for your particular phrase.
How to do a trademark search with LegalZoom
Your application must be filed with the USPTO, and it must include:
The name you want to protect
The goods or services that you want to register your name for
Whether your name is already being used in business ("in commerce") or you haven't started using it yet ("intent to use").
A label or a package (the "specimen") that shows your name in use if you're filing your trademark as "in commerce." (If you file as "intent to use" you will need to provide your specimen later and pay additional federal fees.)
How to register a trademark for a name and logo
You can register a trademark for a logo that includes your name, but the logo and name together will be considered one trademark. If you want them protected individually, you’ll need to file two applications. Using your logo does automatically give you common law trademark protection—but for full legal protection, you should file a trademark application. There are many nuances in the trademark registration process so it’s always helpful to get guidance from a trademark attorney.
Why trademark registration is important
Stop copycats
Deter competitors from stealing your branding—and profiting from your reputation.
Create a brand as unique as you, knowing it can be preserved.
Secure the exclusive rights to your names, slogans, and logos.
Make it legal
Build a powerful brand that’s yours alone with the ® symbol.
Be empowered to legally claim your unique branding.
Make it easier to sue competitors who steal your trademarks.
What you can and can't trademark
What you can trademark
A name like Nike
A logo like the swoosh logo
A slogan like "Just do it"
What you can't trademark
A song, book, film, or other original creative work. Get a copyright instead.
An invention like a technical process, machine, manufactured good, or chemical formula. Look into a patent.
What are the common reasons a trademark is rejected?
To avoid delays in the trademark registration process, here are some potential roadblocks to trademark registration you should be aware of:
Trademarks can be rejected when your name is too similar to another registered mark or one that’s pending. This is because consumers could get confused and mistakenly believe they come from the same source. That’s why every trademark application must specify the type of goods or services where that trademark will be used.
How much does a trademark cost?
If you choose to work with a traditional attorney on a trademark application, expect to pay an hourly rate for their services in addition to the USPTO filing fees.
Ready to register your trademark?
The support from the attorney created a seamless experience. I got excellent advice along the way and received outstanding customer service.
—Maria C., trademark customer
—Ricardo C., trademark customer
My lawyer … was so helpful in explaining the process, what to expect, and when we’d move on to the next steps. Amazing. I highly recommend this service!
—Andrea S., trademark customer
Ready to register your trademark?
Call an agent at (866) 270-9658
* LZ Legal Services is the number one law firm filer by volume for US-based businesses at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
** Based on the AIPLA Report of the Economic Survey 2019, IP attorneys in the U.S. charge an average of $2445 for trademark clearance and filing.
# Compared to Trademark Engine, Trademarkia, RocketLawyer, or Trademark Elite, based on 2022 data reported by the USPTO.