We’ve got the right package for you

Get “patent pending” status for a year to protect your rights, and claim a priority filing date.

Provisional patent application

$199 + federal filing fees
Fees vary by entity type: micro ($65), small ($130), and large ($325). Most file as micro or small. We’ll help determine your type once you start.

  • We check your work for issues such as missing info and discrepancies.
  • Illustration formatting

    We digitize your drawings and make any needed color adjustments.

  • Filing of your application

    We submit your application to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Additional fee of $690 for a chemical composition or biological/biotechnological invention. Includes review and preparation by a USPTO-registered agent or independent attorney.

We do right by you

We do right by you
We will refund our fee within the first 60 days if you’re unhappy with our services.
Additional services
Professional review and preparation
An independent attorney or agent registered with the USPTO will draft one claim and coordinate up to four pages of specifications.
Professional illustrations
Strengthen your application with technical drawings created by an experienced pro.
Patent search
Make sure your invention hasn’t already been patented or publicly disclosed in a patent application by someone else.


Ask an attorney

Get the right guidance with an attorney by your side.

Call an agent at (855) 787-1202

Mon–Fri: 5 a.m.–7 p.m. PT
Weekends: 7 a.m.–4 p.m. PT