Breaches at banks, credit services, healthcare companies, educational institutions, and more are a reminder that everyone is potentially vulnerable to identity theft.
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by Jane Haskins, Esq.
Jane has written hundreds of articles aimed at educating the public about the legal system, especially the legal aspe...
Updated on: September 3, 2024 · 3 min read
Data breaches can give hackers access to Social Security numbers, addresses, and credit file data. Identity thieves can use this information to destroy your credit, file fake tax returns, collect refunds, and even hijack your medical data.
Everyone is potentially vulnerable to identity theft. But by changing some habits and spending a little time improving your online security, you can greatly minimize your risk.
Here are eight simple ways to protect yourself and your personally identifiable information:
One of the biggest risks of identity theft is that someone will take out loans or credit cards in your name and never pay them. You may not find out until you're ready to buy a car or house, and by then, your credit may have been ruined. Credit bureaus offer three ways to guard against this:
Cellphones, laptops, and tablets are easily lost or stolen. If you don't require a password to log in, then a thief has instant access to all your data.
Many of us are guilty of using the same, easy-to-remember password over and over.
This is risky behavior because if identity thieves figure out one password, it's not hard to get into more of your accounts. The strongest passwords are long and random. Consider using a password management app to create and keep track of them.
Your bank probably requires this already—when you log in from a new location, you must type in a code that's texted to your cell phone.
Check your account settings to make sure this is enabled on all your accounts.
When you use a shared computer or a business's Wi-Fi connection, you don't know how secure the network really is.
Use your own device and secure network instead.
This includes antivirus software, your operating system, and anything else you use.
Cyber threats change frequently, and many updates address security issues.
If you get a call, email, or text from a retailer, charity, the government, or your long-lost cousin asking for personal information, there's a good chance it's a phishing scam—no matter how real it seems.
Don't give out your info. If you think the request may be legitimate, separately look up the organization's phone number and follow up by phone.
Either of these actions can infect your computer with malware.
You don't have to be an IT expert to protect your personal data. Just be cautious when communicating or shopping online, and set up some simple security measures to protect yourself in the event your personal data is breached.
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