Conducting a NV business lookup is one of the first steps to take in forming a business. Learn more about when and why you should perform one.
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by Chloe Packard
Chloe is a San Diego-based writer with over a decade of writing and editing experience. She has partnered with both e...
Updated on: August 2, 2024 · 6 min read
If you're forming an LLC or corporation in Nevada, you must select a unique business name that adheres to state guidelines and is distinguishable from other registered names.
To do so, you can perform a Nevada business search, also called a NV LLC search or NV business lookup. This is the process of looking through a database of Nevada business entities for companies registered under the same name or a similar name as the one you were considering for your own business.
As part of your NV business search, you'll also want to check domain availability and registered trademarks to help ensure your company name is distinctly different from already registered business names in the state.
We'll discuss the importance of reviewing registered business names and ways to select a unique and compliant one for your own LLC or corporation in Nevada.
Let's start with the Nevada Secretary of State (SOS), which oversees business entities within the state. Here’s how you can get in touch with them for a Nevada business lookup:
Before conducting a NV Secretary of State business search or NV SOS search, it's important to understand that you only need to do so if you're registering an LLC or corporation within the state. (If you're forming a sole proprietorship, you don't need to file a formation document with the state, so these guidelines don't apply.)
Now, it's time to search whether the potential name of your business entity already exists with the state's office. Follow these steps to conduct a NV SOS business search:
Conducting a Nevada entity search shows you whether your business name is already in use and whether there are any trademarks associated with it. This allows you to avoid selecting a business name that is too similar to another registered name, which could cause confusion or lead to legal issues.
Not only that, but selecting a unique name is also a state legal requirement. Therefore, an entity search can help you comply with the state guidelines, ensuring your name is distinguishable enough from others.
Some of Nevada's company naming guidelines include the following:
In addition to performing a Nevada LLC search, we recommend checking if a domain with that name is already in use. After all, you'll want your company name to match your website address to avoid confusion.
To check domain name availability, run a search on domain websites like GoDaddy or Squarespace. Also, search social media platforms, like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to ensure there aren't profiles sharing your business name.
When selecting your business name, avoid trademark infringement and choose a name you can eventually register to help protect your company's brand identity.
When you perform a NV corporate search, the database will provide any trademarks, trade names, and service marks with that name. You can also search for registered trademarks via the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) trademark search system.
We can help make the process easier with trademark search, registration, and compliance.
Once you've completed your NV entity search and decided on an appropriate business name that complies with state guidelines, follow this new business checklist:
There's a lot to keep track of when starting your business in Nevada, from selecting an appropriate name to filing documents with the state. At LegalZoom, our business services do all the heavy lifting for you to ensure you complete all necessary steps when forming your LLC or corporation. For more info, check out our business formation services.
Looking for more info? Check out these FAQs.
Yes, if you're forming an LLC or corporation in Nevada, your business must have a unique name to obtain a business license. If the name of your business entity is already registered or doesn't comply with the Nevada naming guidelines, you won't qualify for a license.
In addition to Nevada, other states have their own rules and regulations for business entity naming.
It depends on what kind of business you'd like to form. LLCs and corporations must file documents with the Secretary of State, while sole proprietors and partnerships must file with the county clerk.
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