When your corporation transacts business in another state, it can be confusing as to whether the corporation must register in that state and pick a registered agent. Follow these guidelines to see if you need a registered agent in the other state.
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by Ronna L. DeLoe, Esq.
Ronna L. DeLoe is a freelance writer and a published author who has written hundreds of legal articles. She does...
Updated on: October 26, 2023 · 3 min read
If you decide to do business in another state, your business must register with that state. Additionally, if the company expands into other states, the corporation must have a registered agent in each state where it is doing business.
While every state has different business laws, each state requires a company doing business in its state to have a registered agent for the service of lawsuits and subpoenas.
It's often difficult to find an agent to appoint in each state if the corporation is doing business in multiple states. If that's the case, it's a good idea to have a company that's available in all states be your registered agent.
Different registered agent solutions are available, but having an online company with the authority to act anywhere in the United States can be very helpful. This allows your company to have a registered agent in place in every state where the company does business.
Only some transactions in other states mean that your company is doing business in those states. Nevertheless, your company must keep track of what business the company is doing in other states.
A company registered and doing business in the same state is known as a domestic corporation. In contrast, a company doing business outside the state where it's registered is known as a foreign corporation (in this usage, foreign does not refer to another country).
Many types of company actions constitute doing business in another state. Some of these actions include, but are not limited to:
These situations usually mean that the company is doing business in another state, although it depends on the foreign state's definition of doing business. Suppose your company is doing business in another state. In that case, you need to file forms with the secretary of state or another government official to permit your company to do business in that state. When you're ready to file the required paperwork and pay the fee, establish a registered agent for that state.
Suppose you fail to appoint a registered agent in the additional state where your company is doing business. In that case, the company usually incurs fines, fees, and ongoing penalties, and the company cannot litigate in court. If you can't find a person who lives in the state to act as your registered agent, consider hiring a reputable company to act as your registered agent as soon as possible.
Did you know Legalinc is a fully owned Legalzoom subsidiary that provides Registered Agent representation for Law Firms, Tax Firms, and in-house legal teams at multi-state / multi-company organizations?
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