Make sure that your important business papers always get to you on time with a registered agent. Let's look at how a registered agent can help your business run smoothly.
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by Edward A. Haman, Esq.
Edward A. Haman is a freelance writer, who is the author of numerous self-help legal books. He has practiced law in H...
Updated on: December 4, 2023 · 4 min read
If you will be organizing a business, or conducting business, in New York, you need to know about designating a registered agent with the New York Secretary of State.
A "registered agent" (or RA, also called an agent for service of process) is designated by a business for the purpose of receiving official legal documents, such as lawsuit documents, subpoenas, wage garnishments, and other official legal papers. New York requires a registered agent for every corporation, limited liability company (LLC), limited liability partnership (LLP), or limited partnership, that is:
Registered agent duties are to:
Professional outside RAs sometimes offer additional services, such as preparing and filing registration documents, sending reminders when annual reports or license renewals are due, and keeping documents.
Forming a corporation, limited partnership, LLC, or LLP in New York requires filing some type of document with the New York Department of State, Division of Corporations (commonly referred to as the Secretary of State). Registering a foreign entity in New York requires filing a Notice of Registration (for an LLP), or an Application for Authority (for all other foreign entities).
This initial registration document must designate the Secretary of State as the business entity's agent for service of process and give an address where the Secretary of State will forward any legal papers it receives for the entity (which can be a P.O. Box or an out-of-state address).
Once the initial registration has been filed, the business entity may change its registered agent by filing a Certificate of Change with the Secretary of State and paying a $30 fee.
In addition to the Secretary of State, the RA can be an individual person who is a New York resident, or a business entity that is registered and authorized to conduct business in New York. The most important consideration in selecting a registered agent is to designate one that can be relied upon to identify important legal documents and notify you when they are received. Delays in responding to legal notices can be costly. Your options are:
This will save you the $30 Notice of Change filing fee, as well as the cost of an outside RA ($50 to $500 per year), but it will give you minimal service. All the Secretary of State will do is mail legal papers it receives to the address you've designated.
Your company's RA can be you, a co-owner, an employee, or any other adult. The cost of an outside agent will be saved, and you will quickly know of any lawsuits or other important matters.
Disadvantages of using an in-house registered agent include:
Unless you decide to use the Secretary of State as your RA, it will be necessary to hire an outside RA if your company does not maintain a regular office in New York.
The advantages to hiring an outside RA include:
Whichever form of registered agent you choose—the Secretary of State, an in-house RA, and or outside RA—your business will be promptly notified of legal actions that affect your doing business in New York.
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