The IRS requires certain business entities — including LLCs and certain sole proprietorships — to apply for and use an EIN.
Learn More about EIN
by Belle Wong, J.D.
Belle Wong, is a freelance writer specializing in small business, personal finance, banking, and tech/SAAS. She ...
Updated on: December 4, 2023 · 3 min read
An EIN, or employer identification number, is a number the IRS assigns to a business entity in order to identify the entity for tax purposes.
You may also run across references to a tax ID number, a federal tax ID number, an FEIN, an IRS EIN, a tax identification number, a federal identification number, a business tax ID number, or a federal EIN. In most cases, these terms refer to the EIN assigned by the IRS, although sometimes a tax ID number, a tax identification number, or a business tax ID number may also refer to a state-issued tax number.
You will need an EIN if any of the following apply to you:
As noted above, if your business is a corporation or a partnership, you will need to apply for an EIN. You will need the EIN even if your corporation or partnership doesn't have any employees.
If your business is an LLC, you will need an EIN if your business is:
A multi-member LLC
A single-member LLC with employees (or you plan to hire employees at any time over the next 12 months)
If your business is a single-member LLC with no employees (and with no plans to hire any employees over the next 12 months), you do not have a Keogh plan, and you are not required to file any of the federal tax returns mentioned in the Do I Need an EIN? list above, you will not need to apply for an EIN. Instead, you can use your Social Security number when filing your business's federal tax returns.
If you are a sole proprietor, you will only need to apply for an EIN:
Otherwise, you can continue using your Social Security number with the IRS.
Even though you may not be required by the IRS to apply for an EIN, there are still a few reasons why you may decide to get one anyway.
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