Your choice will likely come down to cost and the level of liability protection you need. Find if a DBA or LLC is right for you.
Ready to start your business? Plans start at $0 + filing fees.
by Boni Peluso
Boni Peluso is an award-winning Creative Director and Content Strategist who has written extensively for the legal, h...
Updated on: March 21, 2024 · 4 min read
When people think about starting a business, they often go right to imagining their success. That's what gets the juices flowing. But to achieve real success, you need smart preparation and a good understanding of the risks involved.
To help you prepare, learn the differences between a DBA and an LLC and the pros and cons for each.
DBA stands for “doing business as." It can be referred to as a trade name, assumed name, or fictitious name. You may want to file a DBA name for your new business instead of using your own personal name or your legal business name. Think of a DBA as an alias. Classic DBA scenarios include:
DBAs have some downsides, however:
A limited liability company or LLC is a structure that establishes your business as its own distinct legal entity. The main advantage of this structure is liability protection. If your company goes bankrupt or someone sues your business, you're generally not held financially responsible for your company's debts or liabilities—unlike with a DBA.
Fortunately, filing your taxes is fairly easy in both cases. Your business profits are only taxed once. They're passed through to your individual tax return and taxed accordingly.
Other than that, a DBA has no tax advantages. But as an LLC, you have more flexibility in how you choose to be taxed. You can file as a sole proprietor, partnership, S corporation, or corporation. How you decide could save you some money come tax time.
An LLC is much simpler and less expensive than creating a corporation—but a DBA is even less expensive and simpler still.
Some states require LLCs to create an operating agreement that details responsibilities and how the company's members, managers, and officers conduct business. Many states also require an LLC to report every year or two years on any updates to current business locations and activities in the state, as well as any changes to current members and managers. An LLC also needs to identify a registered agent responsible for receiving any legal documents in case of a lawsuit.
With a DBA, other than paying a fee to re-register, there are generally no ongoing responsibilities incurred.
The right business structure can make all the difference in the world, so consider carefully and choose wisely.
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