Understanding the relative benefits and limitations of an LLC and an LP is important when determining which type of entity would be best suited for your company.
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by Edward A. Haman, J.D.
Edward A. Haman is a freelance writer, who is the author of numerous self-help legal books. He has practiced law in H...
Updated on: March 21, 2024 · 4 min read
If you and at least one other person have decided to start a business, two of the most popular options are to form either a limited liability company (LLC) or a limited partnership (LP).
Here are some factors you should evaluate when deciding whether an LLC or an LP would work best for your business.
In general, an LLC might be better if one or more of the following apply:
An LP might be better if any of the following apply:
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) treats both LLCs and LPs the same for tax purposes upon formation. However, an LLC has the option of electing to be taxed as if it were a corporation. Limited partnership tax treatment doesn't allow for such an election.
You may also need to consider state taxes. Some states tax LLCs as corporations and do not allow them to be taxed as partnerships. This can result in double taxation, where the corporation is taxed on its profits, and the members are also taxed on their share of the profits.
There are differences in how LLCs and LPs are structured and created. It should be noted that a member of an LLC, as well as a partner in an LP, may be an individual person, a corporation, another LLC, or another partnership.
Business entities are created under state law, and states may vary in their filing requirements and registration fees. For this reason, you will want to see if there are any significant differences between registering an LLC and an LP in your state.
Some states prohibit certain types of businesses from organizing as an LLC. This commonly relates to certain professionals, such as accountants, architects, physicians, and certain types of businesses, such as banks and insurance companies.
If a business is organized as a general partnership, all of the partners can be held personally liable for the business's debts. This means that a partner is risking more than what they contribute to the business.
If the company's debts are greater than the value of the company's assets, a creditor can go after the partner's personal property, such as their personal bank accounts, other investments, cars, and real estate.
A central purpose of both an LLC and an LP is to limit the owners' personal liability, but they do not provide the same degree of protection.
With an LLC, all of the members generally obtain limited personal liability. The members may also participate in the management of the business and keep their limitation of liability.
In an LP, only limited partners enjoy limited personal liability. However, this only applies if the limited partner takes no active role in managing the company. A general partner remains personally liable for partnership debts.
Some LPs resolve this problem by forming a separate LLC to be the general partner. But this requires setting up two entities, the LLC and the LP, and incurring the expense of forming and operating each.
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